Rod Kerr, MDiv/RE, LPC
Rod has over 30 years working with individuals and couples in counseling and coaching settings. His varied and extensive background includes post-graduate marriage and family work at Westgate Training and Consultation Network (Now at Converse University), and Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Doctoral Work at Southern Seminary and a dozen counseling certifications. His approach to lifestyle change is by facilitating cognitive (thoughts), affective (emotions), relational (attachment patterns) interventions that can result in behavior change, counseling can improve your ability to establish and maintain relationships and increase your effectiveness and ability to cope with life transitions. He is a qualified administrator of several individual, relational and vocational assessments including the Myers Briggs Type Inventory, the Enneagram, the PREPARE/ENRICH premarital and marital assessments, and a system of life planning and career tools. Rod invites you to lifestyle changes by exploring your core belief systems, understanding the place of emotions, promoting healthy decision-making, and discover ways to find and live up to their full potential by integrating the core insights of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive/Behavioral Modalities, Depth Oriented Brief Therapy, Strategic Family and Emotionally Focused Therapy into a method of practical strategic actions.